Nationally wedding season is considered late spring through early fall but here in NC we have two distinct wedding seasons. The first begins in spring when the last grain of green pollen has floated away and ends in early summer right before the first tidal wave of humidity arrives. Our second wedding season catches the last bit of summer in early September when the humidity has died down but the sun still stays up late and ends in November just before the winter holidays.

As we watch the green pollen collect outside our studio we know that wedding season is just about here and couples are busy with pre-wedding celebrations and last minute details before their big day. We also find ourselves shipping a lot more registry items  this time of year and we can’t help but reminisce about some of the happy couples we’ve met on their journey. We thought you’d enjoy meeting a few of them.

Thomas & Gerardo
Thomas & Gerardo celebrated their wedding in May of 2022. Thomas is passionate about cooking and hosting gatherings with Gerardo, friends, and family. Thomas’ mom had gifted Haand pieces to the couple over the years and they loved how unique each piece was. With her passing in August 2021 - they tried to think about ways to integrate her touch in their wedding. As they described it, registering with Haand was a no brainer for them as she introduced them to this brand and having more pieces from Haand will help keep her spirit alive and continue to remind them of her. 

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Emily & Kevin 
Emily & Kevin are college sweethearts who will be getting married in October of 2023, but to their surprise they’ve already received some Haand pieces as engagement gifts. As a young couple they’ve only recently stepped away from dorm living and Emily told us she didn’t know much about pottery. But after shopping for tableware at the big name stores and being disappointed with the selection and quality, her mom introduced her to Haand. Emily loves that these are pieces that she’ll be able to hand down to her children one day. Kevin loves how much food the Skali dinner plates can hold.

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Denise Kustka
Tagged: Wedding